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XStudio 3

Navigation: Appendices

Companion Programs & Utilities

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In addition to the core functionality for audio playback that XStudio provides, there are a number of separate software programs and utilities available for use with XStudio. These programs offer functionality that may or may not be required by a particular station operation; thus they are made available separately so a station can pick and choose only the additions that are needed.

Available software is listed alphabetically along with a brief description of functionality and usage. Complete information on these programs is available at our web site.



dcsTools Audio Importer

A utility for unattended importing and converting several different source audio file types to XStudio .DAF files based on user-defined rules.

dcsTools Utility Pack

Free utility programs for review and analysis of XStudio and other dcsTools products' event log files, along with an ini file editor.


These programs provide log creation and editing along with audit reporting and log reconcile, depending on the specific product. It might be desirable to be able to edit a log at a user's desktop rather than in-studio, for instance. Audit reporting is useful in determining what actually happened during a broadcast day.


A utility for analyzing and reporting audio inventory information.


A utility for merging (combining) separate traffic and music logs generated by most popular radio traffic and music scheduling systems. LogMerge includes instructions on setting up source log exports for most popular music scheduling and traffic systems.


A desktop file conversion utility that converts .WAV, .MP2 and .MP3 audio files to .DAF files for use with XStudio.

XStudio Admin

A free utility for maintaining the automation database remotely.


A desktop .DAF audio player suitable for use in auditioning audio for customers or internal use.

XStudio PostMajik

A web billboard posting and RDS/RBDS message encoder. It is used to generate song title and artist information, along with optional custom messages, for use in posting "What's Playing Now" information to the web or transmitting that information to an RDS encoder.

XStudio Recorder

An auto-recorder used to capture program content for use with XStudio, DCS™ and Maestro™ systems. Automatic recordings can be initiated by a relay received from the program service or they can be scheduled using XStudio Recorder's built-in event scheduling system.

XStudio Voice Tracker

A utility for creating "voice tracks" for automated programming. Features either rehearsed or cold tracking for multiple stations. Can be used locally or from a remote site.