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XStudio 3

Navigation: Troubleshooting

Session Properties

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During operation, XStudio keeps track of a number of bits of information, called session properties, that affect program execution. Session properties include such things as the current station that XStudio is operating as, the current voice number (used in cart macros), certain preferences that might change on the fly, playback channel states, log dates and file names, active and next-to-activate log directives, and audio switcher information, including assigned input relays and lockout values.

This information can be useful for determining the cause of problems or to assist in determining XStudio's current "state."

You can view a session properties report on-screen, add the current property information to the XStudio event log, or save the property information to a file of your choosing. To review the session properties, select the main menu item Help | Troubleshooting | Session Properties. Then, select the menu item corresponding to what you want to do with the session properties report.

The example display shown is the result of choosing the menu option View Session Info.

XStudio Session Properties Report

XStudio Session Properties Report

When displayed, the report can be searched, scrolled and archived to a file if desired. It is organized in sections containing related information.

Keep in mind that a session property report reflects the "state" of XStudio at the moment the report is generated. Property values can change only milliseconds later, depending on system activity.