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XStudio 3

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Database Files Location

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As a default, XStudio database files are located in a folder immediately under the XStudio installation folder. The folder is named "Data" and is automatically created when XStudio is launched for the very first time.

A number of files are created in the Data folder when XStudio is first launched; these consist of the tables and support files that comprise the database.

Database files, referred to as the XStudio Database, are owned exclusively by XStudio as a default; when XStudio is running, no other application is allowed access to these files. Any attempts to open, copy or delete these files will be denied by the operating system, as they are already opened exclusively by XStudio.

You can make the data available to other applications by setting the Allow Remote Administration option in XStudio preferences. When Remote Administration is enabled, applications like XStudio Administration can be used to remotely update the database.

Files in the Data folder should never be deleted or otherwise modified, as loss of XStudio functionality or corrupted data will result, causing XStudio to behave unpredictably.

XStudio has a built-in method for backing up your data. See the topic System Backup & Restore for more information. When XStudio is not running, the database files can be copied, if desired, for archiving, cloning or backup purposes.