Transaction codes created by an XStudio, DCS or Maestro system when writing audit data, as well as the status of the transaction, are documented in Computer Concepts' DCS Audit File (.ADT) Specification, version 1.6. For ease of understanding, a table of each transaction (or action) type and status code, along with their meanings, are presented here. Extended transaction and status codes that are XStudio-specific are also documented.
Transaction codes describe the type of activity the audio delivery system is engaged in or the base type of a problem the system encountered.
Displayed Transaction Code (Action) |
Meaning |
PlayCart |
A cart (audio file) is played. |
LdRelayQ |
A "relay queue" is being loaded. This differs from the standard "queue" and happens as the result of a function (action) executing. |
LdRqdBrk |
A Required Break is loaded into the queue. |
LdBreak |
An Optional Break is loaded into the queue. |
DelFromQ |
Items were deleted from the "queue". |
RcrdCart |
A cart (audio file) is being recorded. |
FillCart |
A fill cart is played as an automated function. These occur when DCS or Maestro automatically adds content to a break in Satellite mode, most typically. |
Silence |
Silence has been inserted to "spread" a break of a specified length. |
AutoOn |
Automation mode has been turned on. |
Auto Off |
Automation mode has been turned off. |
RelayOn |
A relay was turned on by XStudio, DCS or Maestro. |
RmtPlay |
A cart is played via remote control. |
RmtQ |
The queue has been activated/deactivated via remote control. |
RmtHalt |
A playing cart has been halted via remote control. |
EOMBegin |
The End-of-Message is beginning. Corresponds to the Aux mark on a cart. |
EOMEnd |
The End-of-Message is complete. Corresponds to the end of the cart. |
PcToSw |
Communications from the XStudio, DCS or Maestro unit to an audio switcher. |
SwToPc |
Communications from an audio switcher to the XStudio, DCS or Maestro unit. |
DCSBegin |
XStudio, DCS or Maestro is starting up. |
DCSEnd |
XStudio, DCS or Maestro closed. |
DateErr |
A date error has occurred. |
cfgChngd |
The DCS or Maestro configuration has been changed. |
XStudio-Specific |
LogChngd* |
A change has occurred in the broadcast log. The log was manually-edited in XStudio or updated automatically as a result of the source log changing. |
Status codes provide documentation of what happened with a particular transaction initiated by the audio delivery system, generally reporting either success of the system action or the reason for failure of the action.
Displayed Status Code |
Meaning |
An action has started that may have several components who's action results are unknown at the start of the sequence. |
ok |
The action completed successfully. |
The action was not completed. |
The action was canceled - typically, this would refer to the playing of a cart. |
The action was ignored. This status code is most often associated with an audio switcher input relay. |
The action could not be completed in the allocated time. |
Date Conflict |
A cart could not be queued or played because it was out-of-date for the date the action was attempted. |
Break Missed |
Typically seen when items on the log are queued but not played before the next log directive clears them from the queue. Most often seen when running in satellite mode of operation. |
ManuallyForced |
A cart was not valid for the date, but was forced to the play line or queue by the operator. |
FailRecChInUse |
A recording failed because the record channel was already in use. |
FailMallocErr |
The action failed because of a memory allocation error. Most often seen with DCS units. |
FailCartOnPLin |
The action, usually a recording, failed because the cart was on a play line at the time the action was attempted. |
FailCartInQue |
The action, usually a recording, failed because the cart was in the queue at the time the action was requested. |
FailCartExists |
The action failed because the cart already exists. Typically, this is seen when a recording is to be made and the recording function has been set to NOT overwrite the cart if it already exists. |
Fail Disk Full |
The action failed because the target hard was full. Typically, this code appears when a recording is being made and the system runs out of hard disk space. |
RecAutoStarted |
A recording action has started with AutoStart option set. |
RecStartedNow |
A recording actually began at the time indicated. An record action with AutoStart might have been "armed" several seconds (or even minutes) ago, but this is the time the recording actually began. |
Rec Aptx N/A |
A recording action failed because the data reduction method for the recording was apt-X and apt-X data reduction was not available on the DCS or Maestro unit attempting the recording. |
RecManualStop |
A recording was manually stopped. |
RecAutoStop |
A recording was automatically stopped based on a maximum recording length. |
RecRelayStop |
A recording was stopped based on an input relay received. |
FailBadCartNum |
The action failed because of a bad cart number. |
Play Paused |
A cart play was paused. |
RecPaused |
A recording was paused. |
RecResumed |
A recording was resumed from a paused state. |
RecRemoteStop |
A recording was stopped by remote control, using Computer Concepts' published control protocol. |
Rec MPEG N/A |
A recording action failed because the data reduction method for the recording was ISO-MPEG and ISO-MPEG data reduction was not available on the DCS or Maestro unit attempting the recording. |
FailNoAccess |
The action failed because DCS or Maestro did not have access to a required resource. |
FailCartInRCW |
A recording failed because the cart was already in the recording control window. |
Cart Missing |
An action failed because a specified cart number was missing. |
XStudio-Specific |
AddLogItem* |
An item was added to the active log in XStudio. |
DelLogItem* |
An active log item was deleted within XStudio. |
EditLogItem* |
An active log item was edited within XStudio. |
LogSplice* |
An updated log on disk was spliced into the active XStudio log. |