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ezSuite for XStudio, DCS, & Maestro

Navigation: Reference

Menus & Toolbars

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Main Tool Bar

The tool bar provides convenient shortcuts to often-used functionality.  Note that some buttons may be disabled if a particular item is not applicable.

The main tool bar can be anchored to any one of the sides of the main application window. Its position is "remembered" the next time ezSuite is launched.

Log Editing Tool Bar

When a log is opened, the tool bar has a number of additional buttons available that are specific to the log editing dialog.

Additional tool buttons include printing and log saving shortcuts.

Audit Reporting Tool Bar

Audit report windows contain a toolbar similar to the example here.

Log Reconcile Tool Bar

Reconcile windows display a toolbar similar to the example.

Main Menu

The ezSuite menu structure is dynamic in nature. Some menu items are enabled or disabled, and additional menu items may appear, depending the task being performed.