XStudio PostMajik requires a valid registration key to enable full use of the product. The registration key contains the product serial number and is unique to each PC on which XStudio PostMajik is installed. The registration key also controls the number of stations that can be actively posting text and RDS information. The client application, PostMajik Client, does not require registration and can be used separately, if desired, on multiple PC's.
If no registration is entered or available, XStudio PostMajik will run for a limited amount of time each time the PC is started. Until XStudio PostMajik is registered, some features and functionality that should not affect your evaluation of the product are disabled. Most notably, only one station can be actively posting text and RDS information. Additional stations will not be active until you complete registration of XStudio PostMajik.
In order to obtain a valid registration key, the name of the PC hosting the XStudio PostMajik server (service) and a custom machine ID is required. To retrieve this information, make sure the XStudio PostMajik server (service) is running, launch PostMajik Client and ensure it is connected is to the correct server, as the client supports connections to multiple servers.
Select the PostMajik Client main menu item Help | Get Machine ID for Registration.
A dialog is displayed, providing the XStudio PostMajik server (service) PC name and the ID. You can either write both down or use the [Copy to Clipboard] button and paste the information into an email or other document. Provide this information to your vendor to obtain the registration key.
When you receive the XStudio PostMajik registration key, ensure the XStudio PostMajik server (service) is running and launch PostMajik Client. From the main display, click on the "Server Configuration" tab.
The Server License area contains two (2) fields, "Licensee" and "Registration, as shown below:
Fill in the "Licensee" field with the appropriate information - your company name or station call letters are usually used. In the "Registration" field, either copy and paste the registration key you received or manually enter it. We recommend using the copy and paste method to avoid errors.
The [Apply Changes] button at the bottom of the page should now be enabled. Click on the button to save the changes. The XStudio PostMajik server will pick up the changes within a minute or so.
You can confirm successful registration by clicking on the PostMajik Client main menu item Help | About. The displayed dialog will contain the registered serial number and expiration date of XStudio PostMajik.