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XStudio PostMajik

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What's New in XStudio PostMajik

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This section documents recent changes and enhancements to XStudio PostMajik by version number and date. For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History topic.

Version - 07/05/2024

1.Enhancement. XStudio PostMajik now detects the latest versions of Windows 10 & Windows 11 and adjusts accordingly.

2.Change. The underlying database engine has been update to NexusDB version 4.7509.

3.Fix. If a station's music database was not used and extended cart information was present in the original data from the host system, the extended information was not posted as a fallback.

Version - 10/29/2022

1.Important Change. Windows 7 is now the minimum supported operating systems. You will not be able to run XStudio PostMajik on operating systems older than Windows 7.

2.Enhancement. Support for Windows 11 has been added.

3.Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.6001.

4.Fix. Under certain circumstances, attempting to purge all records from a station error log would result in an AV. This has been corrected.

Version - 06/24/2021

1.Enhancement. Export of station Posting Log and Error Log data has been added. Data can be exported to multiple formats, including HTML, XML, XLS, XLSX and text. Data can be filtered and/or grouped prior to exporting to export only the records you are interested in. This functionality is accessed via a pop-up menu on the station Posting Log and Error Log tabs.

2.Enhancement. Station Error Log data can now be user-purged, either by date or all error records. This functionality is accessed via a pop-up menu on the station Error Log tab.

3.Fix. If a station had only one scheduled event, XStudio PostMajik would execute the event only one time and not execute it again until the system was restarted. This behavior has been corrected.

4.Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.5026.



XStudio PostMajik Revision History