The XStudio Voice Tracker clock is a floating window used to display the current time in either military or standard AM/PM time formats.
XStudio Voice Tracker Clock
The clock is disabled (hidden) as a default and does not display the very first time XStudio Voice Tracker is launched. When XStudio Voice Tracker is closed, the clock state (shown/hidden, position, colors and size) is recorded and restored the next time XStudio Voice Tracker is started. |
To show or hide the clock, select the main menu item View | Show Clock. The menu item is checked when the clock is displayed.
The menu item acts as a toggle, alternately hiding and displaying the clock. The clock state is stored on program exit and restored on program start-up.
You can modify the clock appearance, including the time display type, size of the text, text color and background color. To do so, [Right-Click] on the clock time text to display the clock properties menu.
Select the item you wish to change. Depending on the item you choose, the change will either be made immediately or you'll be prompted to make an option selection. Review details of each menu item for the clock display in the following table.
Menu Item |
Description |
Enlarge |
The text size of the displayed time is made larger, up to a maximum of 54 points. The text size can also be enlarged using the [UpArrow] and [+] keys on the numeric keypad when the window is active. |
Reduce |
The text size of the displayed time is made smaller, down to a minimum of 13 points. The text size can also be reduced using the [DnArrow] and [-] keys on the numeric keypad when the window is active. |
Change Text Color |
Displays a color customization dialog to choose the color of the clock's time text. |
Change Background Color |
Displays a color customization dialog to choose the color of the clock's background. |
Reset Colors to Default |
Resets the clock's time text and background color to XStudio Voice Tracker defaults. |
Military Time |
Toggles the time display between standard AM/PM and military time. |
Close |
Hides the XStudio Voice Tracker clock and backtimer (if enabled). |