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dcsTools Ini Editor

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Command-Line Switches

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dcsTools Ini Editor provides command-line switches to add functionality for users. This section documents available switches and their usage. Switches can be entered in any order and are not case-sensitive. To add a command-line switch, modify the dcsTools Ini Editor shortcut or open a command window (DOS prompt) and enter the application name (IniViewer.exe) followed by a space. Add the switch (as documented below), separating each switch with a space.

Available Command-Line Switches




Used to specify a file to be opened when dcsTools Ini Editor is launched. This switch is also used when associating a file type with dcsTools Ini Editor so the file can be opened within the operating system's file view.

You must have a space between the end of the executable (program) name and the first command-line switch. When entering a file name that contains spaces, the file name must be wrapped in quotes, for example:

/F"C:\Program Files\ My Program\My IniFile.ini"