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dcsTools Ini Editor

When an ini file is open in dcsTools Ini Editor, you can search for text to locate a specific item. Menu items for searching are located under the main menu item Edit. You can also use functions keys to search ([F11]) and repeat your last search ([F12]).

All searches are partial match searches, meaning that if you enter "file" as the search criteria, items like "FileVersion" and "Myfile" will be found. All searches are case-insensitive.

When a new search is started, dcsTools Ini Editor starts with the first displayed item, regardless of how it is sorted. The section is examined first, then all parameters for that section are searched, followed by the next section, its parameters and so on.

When matching text is found, the matching row is highlighted and focused. If the row is not visible, it is brought into view.

When a search is repeated, dcsTools Ini Editor starts from the last matching position in the display and looks for the next match. If no matches are found, you are prompted to that effect.

When you change the sort order of any of the data columns, the search parameters are reset to start from the beginning of the displayed data. An advisory message is placed on the status bar.