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dcsTools Audio Importer

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dcsTools Audio Importer Doesn't "See" Audio Folders

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You may encounter a problem where dcsTools Audio Importer doesn't process audio files in a source folder or will not write a converted file to an output folder. To remedy this issue, check the following:

Check that folder is present and correct in the dcsTools Audio Import Manager Source and Output Paths configuration.

The dcsTools Audio Import Service runs as a service application and as such, has no knowledge of any "mapped" drives – a drive letter assigned to a folder on a PC other than the one the service is running on. Therefore, in order for the service to be able to read or write files that are located on another PC, the paths to those folders must be entered using UNC notations. As an example, instead of using "P:\MyAudio" as the path, use the UNC notation: \\Remote_PC_Name\Share_Name\MyAudio in the path property fields.

If the audio folder is located on a PC other than the one running the dcsTools Audio Import Service, you may have to change the service's Log On credentials. Unless changed during the installation process, the service is installed with standard System User Log On credentials. This provides complete access to the host PC's hard drives, but no access to other machines' resources. If this is the case, change the dcsTools Audio Import Service Log On credentials to a user name and password combination that is authorized and has the appropriate privileges on the remote PC.

If you wish to read or write audio files located on another PC, the dcsTools Audio Import Service Log On credentials must be changed. You must have administrative privileges to change the service's Log On information – if you do not have these privileges, contact your system administrator for help.

If the dcsTools Audio Import Service is using a Log On user name and password other than System User, ensure that the user name has the appropriate read and write privileges for any folder that is used as either a source or output folder, whether it is on a local drive or drive located on another PC, and for the folder where dcsTools Audio Importer is installed. For additional information, see the topic on User Account Control.