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dcsTools Event Log Viewer

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Data Column Reference

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dcsTools Event Log Viewer organizes event logs that you open in rows and columns.  Rows represent each event log item (record) and columns represent a portion of the log item, also referred to as a data field. Some of the columns are taken directly from the source event log file, others are calculated based on the item (record) content.

When dcsTools Event Log Viewer is initially launched, only a subset of the available data columns is displayed. Displayed columns are just those taken directly from the source event log file plus an "Hour" column that shows the hour in which a given event item occurred.

Columns not initially displayed can be added to the display at any time. Instructions for adding and removing columns from the display are contained in the Customizing the Display topic.

Whether or not a column of information is displayed, the data is available and can be used for searching, filtering and other tasks.

The table below documents all available data columns, their default visibility and purpose.






File Name


The name of the source file from which the event record was loaded. This is useful when loading multiple event logs into a single view.




The date of the event record. The value is derived from the event time column. The value is useful for grouping or filtering if an event log contains information from more than one day.



The hour value of the event record's time stamp. The value is derived from the event time column.


Event Time

The date and time stamp for the event record. The value is generally representative of when the event occurred.



The name of the module or procedure that generated the event record, if applicable.



The "meat" of the event record. Contains the information about the error, action taken, or status of the application or subsystem that generated the event item.


Record ID


A number value automatically generated when an event log file is loaded from disk. The value is unique to the record in a given events view. The first event record loaded from the file has an ID value of 1 (one) and each subsequently loaded record increments by 1 (one). The ID value is used by the bookmark system. When an event log is saved by dcsTools Event Log Viewer, the ID is stored to the file and is not regenerated when the saved event log is re-opened.




User-entered notes about a particular event record. Free-form text can be entered by the user with no predetermined maximum amount of text. When an event log is saved to file, contents of this field are stored with the original event record and restored when the saved event log is re-opened.




The event record type. This field is not used in most event log files.


M (Bookmark)


A display-only column that shows an event record bookmark number, if assigned by the user. Bookmark information is retained when an event log is saved to file and later re-opened.

Data columns are not restricted to any particular order in the display and can be moved around to suit specific needs or preferences. Instructions for moving and re-sizing displayed columns are contained in the Customizing the Display topic.