XPlay is a unique audio player designed specifically for use with .DAF audio files created for XStudio and Wide Orbit's (originally Computer Concepts) DCS™ and Maestro™ audio systems. Standard features include real-time playback of MPEG-II and linear .DAF files, with apt-X™ file playback available as an option. XPlay runs on a standard Windows PC equipped with a standard sound card, making playback of DCS & Maestro-created audio available on any desktop that has access to the audio files. Typically, access is gained through the ACP server audio volume, but could also be made directly to a shared volume on a host Maestro unit. A simple user interface allows rapid selection of an audio cut for play, and multi cut carts are organized and displayed with true start and stop dates for each cut.
XPlay is an ideal solution for auditioning commercials for advertisers, checking content in the production department, and auditioning music in the programming department.
XPlay can be used with no dependencies on the host XStudio, DCS or Maestro system, other than access to audio files created by the system. This means that audio files could be placed on a laptop and subsequently played back on-site at an advertiser location, as an example.