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XStudio 3

To open a log, click on the [Open Log] button on the main toolbar. You'll be presented with a display of available stations and a calendar from which to choose a log.

The calendar display shows station logs that are available for the calendar dates. A check-mark and the word "LOG" appears on dates where there are logs for the selected station.

Select a Station

To select a different station, click on the down-arrow icon in the station list. A list of available stations is displayed from which to choose. Stations are identified and set up in Preferences on the Stations tab. You can also use the [Alt-DnArrow] keystroke if the Select Station field is active.

Select a Log Date

To select a log date, [Left-Click] on the date you want. If you select a date that has no log and click [OK], you'll be prompted to create a new log, if desired, or cancel the operation.

You can also use a [Double-Click] to open a selected log without having to click on the [OK] button by enabling this functionality in Preferences.

Navigating the Calendar Display

In addition to mouse control and selection of logs, you can also use the keyboard. As with most Windows applications, use the [Tab] to move from control (or button) to control.

Within the calendar control, use the [LeftArrow], [RightArrow], [UpArrow] and [DnArrow] keys to move among the displayed days.

[PgUp] changes the calendar to the previous month, [PgDn] changes the calendar to the next month.

[Ctrl-PgUp] moves to the previous year, [Ctrl-PgDn] moves to the next year.

To return to today's date on the calendar, click on the 'GT' (Go Today) button in the lower right portion of the calendar.

When you have selected the log date for a selected station, click on [OK] and the log will be opened. A gauge at the bottom of the main display indicates the progress of opening the file.

Immediately after the log is loaded, it is checked for out-of-sequence times and conflicts like having two items on the log at the same time. If problems are found, they are fixed and a dialog is presented, offering you the opportunity to see what changes were made. You can save the change log if needed for later review. [Right-Click] on the changes log display and select the Save to File option. You'll be prompted to select a file name. The change log is saved as a standard text file.