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XStudio 3

Program Titles are used primarily to communicate, via the log, program elements to an operator of XStudio. Usage of Program Titles is most common for live-assist hours of the broadcast day.

When you have completed editing and press the [OK] button, your entries are validated and, if incorrect or missing, you get a warning message and the cursor is placed in the field that needs to be corrected.

Program Title Field Information

Items with a check mark in the REQ column require user entry, while unchecked items have default values which can optionally be changed.




Log Time

..More.. Start time for the program. The time entered must fall between the previous not-spot time and the next non-spot time on the log.


..More.. The text that will appear on the XStudio, DCS, or Maestro display for this log item.



..More.. The execution length of the program, as hours, minutes, seconds.

Type Code


..More.. The Program Type Code for this item. You can select one of the pre-defined types from the drop-down list or enter up to 4 characters to define your own type code. Manually entered type codes can exceed 4 characters, but only the first four characters are saved to the log.


Entering Time Values