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XStudio 3

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XStudio Fails to Connect to DCS or Maestro

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If you are using XStudio to control a DCS or Maestro system using an RS232 to Ethernet converter, there are several items to check as the control connection between XStudio and the DCS or Maestro system has more components.

1.Starting at the DCS or Maestro end of the connection, first ensure that serial remote control is enabled and configured properly. See your DCS or Maestro documentation for details.

2.Ensure the serial cable connecting the DCS or Maestro unit to the RS232 to Ethernet Converter is correctly wired (null-modem configuration) and connected to the correct COM ports on both ends.

3.Check your RS232 to Ethernet Converter configuration to be sure the TCP/IP port settings are matched with those of XStudio.

4.Ensure that the RS232 to Ethernet converter is powered up (if the converter requires external power).

5.A firewall may be preventing communications on the ports being used. You may have to consult with your LAN administrator to determine this.