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XStudio 3

Here are the main items to check when XStudio complains that it cannot connect to XEngine:

1.Ensure that XEngine is running on the host PC. Check the task bar for the XEngine icon or launch Task Manager to see if XEngine is listed as a running task.

2.If both applications, XStudio and XEngine, are running on the same PC and XEngine is running but XStudio cannot connect, it may indicate that another application has control of the default TCP/IP ports the applications use to communicate. You can modify the default ports by opening Preferences and selecting the Audio Properties tab. The ports can be changed in the Host Audio Engine Connection section.

If you change the TCP/IP ports, you will have to close XEngine and restart it for the changes to take effect.

3.If both applications, XStudio and XEngine, are running on the same PC, open Preferences and select the Audio Properties tab. Check that the IP address in the Host Audio Engine Connection section is “”. If it has been changed from the default, reenter this value.

4.If XStudio and XEngine are running on different PC’s, a firewall may be preventing communications on the ports being used. You may have to consult with your LAN administrator to determine this.