You can manually assign the connection properties for an XStudio PostMajik if you need to connect to a different XStudio PostMajik system or need to modify the default settings.
1.In the "PostMajik Server" field, enter either the machine name or the IP address of the XStudio PostMajik server you wish to connect to.
2.Modify the "TCP Comms Port" and "Database Port" fields if the target server is not using the default values. The default TCP Comms Port is 16505 and the default Database Port is 16500.
3.Click on the [Refresh Stn List] button to attempt to connect to the server. If the connection is successful, the "Select Target Station" field drop-down list will be populated with stations you can target for a conversion. If not successful, error messages describing the problem will appear in the "Status Messages" window.
Once you have a list of stations and have selected one, you can proceed with a conversion as normal.
If you want to test source and target database connections before trying to perform a conversion, select the menu item File | Enable DB Connection Testing. Buttons will appear for testing the source database connection and the target database connection. You can use these buttons to ensure both databases can be accessed successfully before attempting a data conversion. |