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XStudio Voice Tracker

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Using the Edit Cart Distribution Panel

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The Edit Cart Distribution Panel is used in XStudio Voice Tracker to simplify the task of selecting audio work stations in a facility that are to receive voice-track carts for a defined station. Depending on other settings, the list will contain either 16 or 64 work stations.

Usage is simple – checked work stations in the list receive voice-track carts. In other words, they are a part of the "distribution" of the voice-track carts.

Customizing Work Station Names

To make it easier to identify audio work stations in a station’s broadcast facility, the text for each work station name in the list can be edited. [Double-Click] on the item in the list whose name you wish to edit. A dialog appears, allowing you to make changes. When you’re finished editing the name, click on the dialog’s [OK] button to save the changes.

Work stations in the list are sorted in node number order. The 1st name in the list corresponds to node number 1 (or zero – 0 – under the covers in DCS and Maestro).