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Key features

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iDAF is a user-friendly way of obtaining complete information about .DAF files.  Here are a few of the key features:

The user interface is simple and easy to understand - and is fully customizable.

All available information about an audio file is extracted and displayed in easily understood terms.

Scan one or more audio directories simultaneously with no limit to locations scanned - if a folder can be seen by the application, you can scan it for .DAF files.

Scan for certain files only using custom cart masks to reduce results to only the audio files you wish to review.

Optionally display .DAF file version v1.4 extended cart header information, which includes song title, artist, hook line information, intro and outro times and tag text.

Sort, group and filter audio cart lists in multiple ways, all user-defined. Custom filters can be saved for future use.

File scans are background tasks - you can continue reviewing information while refreshing data or performing a completely new scan.

Audio cart information can be saved to special extended inventory data files, preserving the information for later review. There is no limit to the number of saved inventory data files you can create, aside from available disk space.

Previous inventory data can be reloaded on-demand.

Audio cart information can be saved as a standard DCS/Maestro inventory data file (CMINV??.DAT) on-demand.

Display settings - groupings, etc. - are automatically saved on exit and restored on startup. You can also save particular column settings you may have customized for a specific purpose - and restore them on-demand.

Specific combinations of folders scanned can be saved and easily recalled for use at a later time.

Displayed audio information can be exported to a number of standard file formats - HTML, XLS (Excel), XML and standard Text. Export all data displayed or just selected items.

Cart header information can be edited, including begin/end dates, descriptions, distribution and cart rotations.  (Registered Pro version only)

Groups of audio files can be deleted. (Registered Pro version only)

User customizable printed reports, including print preview and the ability to save and restore custom print settings.  (Registered Pro version only)

Reports can be saved directly as PDF files (Registered Pro version only) on Windows XP and later operating systems.