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XStudio Release Notes

Release notes include changes, enhancements and corrections by date and version number of XStudio. For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History.

Version 3.5..585 - 07/04/2024

  1. Enhancement. XStudio now detects the latest versions of Windows 10 & Windows 11 and adjusts accordingly.

  2. Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.7509.

Version - 11/01/2022

  1. Important Change. Windows 7 is now the minimum supported operating systems. You will not be able to run XStudio on operating systems older than Windows 7.

  2. Enhancement. Support for Windows 11 has been added.

  3. Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.6001.

Version - 04/08/2021

  1. Fix. If a station had only one scheduled event, XStudio would execute the event only one time and not execute it again until the system was restarted. This behavior has been corrected.

  2. Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.5026.

Version - 04/08/2019

  1. Enhancement. The [F10] keystroke can now optionally be used to start playback from the log. This option can be enabled in the General Settings area of Preferences.

  2. Enhancement. XStudio can optionally change the color and size of playback deck countdown text as an audio item nears its end. This option can be enabled in the User Interface Settings area of Preferences.

  3. Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.5013.

For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History.