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dcsTools Audio Importer

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dcsTools Audio Importer is a set of software tools used primarily for automatically converting standard audio files for use with XStudio, Maestro and DCS.

Several source file types are supported, including .wav, .mp2 and .mp3. Converted files can be output to XStudio .daf, DCS and Maestro .daf & .dff file types. Other output file types are supported, too, so dcsTools Audio Importer could be used to convert, for instance, an .mp3 file to a .wav file for further editing and processing.

dcsTools Audio Importer is comprised of two applications. dcsTools Audio Import Service runs as a Windows service, and dcsTools Audio Import Manager runs as a tray application, meaning that as a default, dcsTools Audio Import Manager minimizes itself to the Windows system tray in order to be unobtrusive during normal use. dcsTools Audio Import Manager is used to configure and monitor the activities of dcsTools Audio Import Service.



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