dcsTools Event Log Viewer offers a number of features that make working with event logs, or "dump files" easier and more productive.
•Multiple file format support. All dcsTools software event logs, most Maestro™ and Genesys™ dump files, and selected Wide Orbit Automation event files are supported.
•Multiple file viewing support. View several event logs, each in its own view window, or load multiple event logs into a single view window.
•Grouping of data. Group viewed information by date, hour, module or ID, and file name (if multiple files loaded). Grouping can be nested - i.e. group by date and, within each date, group by hour.
•Sorting. Sort columns ascending or descending with multiple column sorting supported.
•Filtering. Only looking for information that contains certain key text? User-defined filters can be used, including wildcard support. Filters can be saved for later use.
•Searching. Search for user-defined text in a selectable column of information. Up to 15 search strings are remembered and can be selected the next time you search for text. The entire search text list can be saved to disk and later re-loaded.
•Bookmarks. Up to 10 bookmarks can be assigned for each viewer and are persistent across sessions if the event viewer contents are saved and later re-opened.
•User Notes. A free-form note can be attached to each event item in the viewer. Notes are restored if the event viewer contents are saved and later re-opened.
•Saved Viewer Sessions. Content displayed in a viewer can be saved to file. When a session is saved, all event items, associated user notes and bookmarks are stored to file and restored the next time the saved session is opened.
•User-customizable appearance. Column widths, position, and grouping are automatically saved and restored each time the application is used. You can also save and load custom column settings on-demand.