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dcsTools Event Log Viewer

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The dcsTools Event Log Viewer is designed to make it easier to review and analyze text files generated by various software programs. These text files, often called "event logs" or "dump files", generally contain information that is useful in determining the cause of problems with an application or in following the sequence of events that led to unexpected behavior in the application.

Supported Software Event Logs

All dcsTools software event logs (*.txt, *.dmp)

Maestro™ dump files (*.dmp)

Genesy™ dump files (*.dmp)

Selected Wide Orbit Radio Automation event files (*.log)

Other event files can be loaded, but information may not be broken into the correct columns, owing to different file record structures.



dcsTools Event Log Viewer displays the content of event logs (or dump files) with a number of defined columns of information, including the date-time stamp of a log item, the module or other ID of the producer of the item, and the item’s message or data content. In addition, columns can be displayed for the hour in which the action occurred, the date, and the file name. The additional column information is often used to group or sort information.You can add notes and bookmarks to a viewed event log, all of which can be saved to a special binary format file.

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