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dcsTools Event Log Viewer

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What's New in dcsTools Event Log Viewer

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This section documents changes and enhancements to dcsTools Event Log Viewer by version number and date. For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History topic.

Version -04/05/2023

1.IMPORTANT COMING CHANGE. This the last version of dcsTools Event Log Viewer that will support Windows 2000. Future revisions will no longer support Windows 2000.

2.Enhancement. Support for Windows 11 has been added.

Version - 05/05/2020

1.Enhancement (Windows XP & above only). When viewing multiple event logs, dcsTools Event Log Viewer now uses a tabbed interface as a default for each loaded event log. This simplifies switching among event logs. If you prefer the original legacy method, you can turn off this feature using the View | Tabbed Windows main menu item.

2.Change. Previously, the event log window caption and main window caption contained the fully-qualified path and file name of the current event log. This behavior has been changed to display a shortened display using an ellipsis (...) to indicate the full file name display has been shortened. This makes it easier to display multiple event log window tabs without having to use the tabbed interface scroll buttons.

3.Change. Support for operating systems released prior to Windows 2000 has been dropped. In order to use dcsTools Event Log Viewer, the host operating system must be Windows 2000 or later.

4.Fix. When closing dcsTools Event Log Viewer with multiple event logs open and at least one had been modified with either bookmarks or notes, dcsTools Event Log Viewer would prompt you to save the edited event log twice for each modified event log. dcsTools Event Log Viewer now correctly only prompts the user one time for each modified event log.

5.Fix. Occasionally, dcsTools Event Log Viewer would incorrectly save the state of the event log child window when closing. dcsTools Event Log Viewer now saves the state of only the active child window when closing.

6.Fix. A manually-created event log item (created using the [Insert] key) was not properly saved when user saved the modified event log containing books marks and notes. Now, when an event log record is manually created, fields are populated so as to keep this "marker record" adjacent to the records immediately following it, based on date & time. The event message is "User-Inserted" and the notes field is initialized.

7.Fix. If a user attempted to create or edit a note for an event log item that had been created manually by using the [Insert] key, an AV would occur.


dcsTools Event Log Viewer Revision History