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dcsTools Event Log Viewer

Navigation: Using dcsTools Event Log Viewer

Searching the Data (Find, Find Again)

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To find a particular fragment of text in the data, click on the [Find] button or press the [F11] key. A dialog is displayed, providing the means to enter the text you wish to locate, the column in which you wish to search, and the option to search just from the beginning of the column data or to find the text fragment you’ve entered anywhere in the column data. You can  search forward or backward through the displayed data.

Click to expand/collapse

Search Dialog


Once you have entered the information, click on the [Search] button. If an item is found, it is selected and positioned in the view. If the item is not found, a message pops up informing you of this. To look for the next instance of the text you entered, press the [F12] key or click on the [Find Again] button.

The last 15 search items you have entered are remembered and available for selection in a drop-down box in the search text field. Additionally, you can save the list to a separate file for later use. This is particularly helpful if you analyze several different kinds of files and commonly look for certain text in each.

Click to expand/collapse

To save the search list, select the menu item Edit | Search Items | Save Current Search Items to File. To restore a previously-saved list of search items, select the menu item Edit | Search Items | Load Search Items from File.