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ezSuite for XStudio, DCS, & Maestro

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ezSuite Features

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ezSuite offers a number of features to make the task of editing logs, producing audit reports and reconciling logs for XStudio, DCS and Maestro systems easier, faster and more efficient.

General Features

Can be used with DCS, Maestro and XStudio audio delivery systems.

Integrated context-sensitive help in all dialogs.

Runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems (Windows XP and above)

No dependencies. No access to the host audio system is required. You can create and edit logs, run audit reports and reconcile logs anywhere..

Log Editing Features

Edit and create logs for an unlimited number of stations, including pre-merged traffic-only logs

Drag and drop operation for moving audio items around on the log, including scrolling the log view while dragging. Drag and drop audio items (carts) from the station inventory to the log.

Edit multiple logs concurrently.

Save Log As.. allows you to save a log to a different date.

Copy audio items (carts) from and Paste audio items (carts) to the log. Copy a spot from one log and paste it into another.

Log searching by cart number or description.

Hourly log content totals, calculated from the inventory (if used), along with directive segment time totals. Directive segment totals, too.

Log Validation. Validation reports can be printed or saved to file. You can validate multiple logs, each in its own window.

Print logs, including print preview and selective printing of pages.

Inventory printing, including print preview and user-defined filtered inventory lists.

Log Template support - create and edit log templates (*.FMT).

Keystrokes for editing match the original DOS log editor (CMED) in all applicable cases.

No dependencies. A log can be created and/or edited with no access to cart inventory information or host audio system. You can create or edit logs anywhere.

Audit Reporting Features

View multiple reports simultaneously - great for side-by-side comparisons. Multiple report windows can be tiled horizontally or vertically, as well as cascaded.

Multiple data views - change how you look at audit data on the fly. You can even create your own custom views!

Dynamic filtering of cart numbers (audio items) on the fly.

Dynamic filtering of transaction types, status codes and play channels without having to create a report template.

Multi-day reports - generate an audit report for user-specified date ranges..

Create new templates on the fly from the main display. Have the right combination of data displayed? Just click a button, provide a name for the template, and you're all done!

Sort displayed data by column - on the fly.

Select and apply report templates from the main display, on the fly.

Support for a virtually unlimited number of stations.

Create and maintain a virtually unlimited number of report templates, which include selected transaction types, selected status codes, selected audio playback channels, cart filter and data "view" information. The number of stored templates is limited by available disk space only.

Selective printing. Print only the hours you wish using available hourly data views.

Copy to Clipboard - copy selected report line items to the Windows clipboard for subsequent pasting in another application, such as an e-mail.

Save reports to file in any of three formats, including CSV (Comma-Separated Values).

Create reconcile export reports for direct use by SelectorTM and MusicMaster music scheduling systems, and CBSI traffic system. See the section on Saved Report File Types for more information.

No dependencies. An audit file created anywhere in the world can be viewed and/or printed without having to change time zone settings on the host PC.

Log Reconcile Features

Compares the complete original log used by XStudio, DCS, or Maestro with audited performance data.

Overrun and underrun discrepancies are detected and displayed. If items from another log day are played, the reconcile process detects and displays these discrepancies.

Multiple Data Views. Change how you look a reconcile data on the fly.

Dynamic Filtering of data. Filter displayed data to look at only logged items, only discrepancies, and apply cart filters to drill down to only the information you are interested in.

Sort displayed data by column - on the fly.

Printed reports and selective printing. Print all information or print only the hours or records you wish, using available hourly data views.

Save reports to a file for other usage. Reports are saved as standard ASCII text.

Support for a virtually unlimited number of stations.

View multiple reports simultaneously. Great for reviewing log overrun or underrun situations.

No dependencies. Logs and audit data created anywhere in the world can be reconciled, viewed and printed without having to change time zone settings on the host PC.