Here are the latest changes, enhancements and corrections to ezSuite by version number and date. For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History topic.
1.Enhancement. "Save Log As..." now positions the calendar date selection to the date of the log being edited. Previously, the current date (today) was used.
2.Enhancement. Support for latest Windows 11 builds has been added.
1.Enhancement. When working with multiple logs, audit reports and reconcile reports, ezSuite can now used a tabbed interface for each document. This simplifies switching among documents. If you wish to turn on this feature, use the main menu item View | Tabbed Windows. Your preference is saved when exit ezSuite and restored on the next program launch.
2.Enhancement. ezSuite now detects Windows 11 and adjusts its display accordingly.
3.Change. Support for operating systems prior to Windows XP has been dropped. In order to use ezSuite, the host operating system must be Windows XP or later.
4.Fix. Missing menu items in some dialogs have been added.
1.Enhancement. Multi-day audit reports can now optionally be saved as daily files, one for each day included in the report.
1.Enhancement. The log edit dialog now presents an error message if an attempt to load a log is made and the log file is locked by another application or otherwise cannot be opened by ezSuite.
2.Enhancement. ezSuite now detects Windows 10 and adjusts its display accordingly.
3.Fix. Corrected log validation error dialog typo.