This topic contains historical information on changes, enhancements and corrections to XStudio Recorder by version number and date. For the most recent changes and enhancements, see the What's New topic.
1.Enhancement. XStudio Recorder now detects Windows 10 and adjusts its display accordingly.
2.Change. The underlying database engine has been updated to NexusDB version 4.
3.Fix. The focused control would occasionally "disappear" when tabbing among fields in task dialogs.
4.Fix. The Remap Input Relays task edit dialog has been updated to ensure the task description length is correct.
1.Enhancement. Added support for System Backup and Banner Message tasks. A new XStudio Recorder Message Center displays the content of Banner Message tasks.
2.Enhancement. XStudio Recorder application help is implemented and available from help menus within the application.
3.Enhancement. XStudio Recorder event logging detail level is now user-controlled. See the General Preferences topic for additional information.
4.Enhancement. XStudio Recorder now detects Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012R2 operating systems and adjusts its display accordingly.
1.Initial release of XStudio Recorder.