Need Help?
Much as we try to make our site easy-to-use, you may occasionally have difficulty finding what you're looking for. This page includes web site navigation hints, extra links to items you might be looking for that aren't so apparent, and information on the types of assistance we offer for DCS, Maestro and dcsTools products.
Finding Things on our Web Site
Most of our site content relates to software products we create. There are several ways to locate items of interest:
Our Product Locator is a convenient way to find information on products we offer, including overview information, documentation and downloads.
The Product Locator menus are conveniently placed near the top-left of most pages on this site. You can locate information by product name, by intended usage and by radio studio location.
Site Search functionality is available from the home page and this page - type what you're looking for and click on the [Search] button.
In addition, you'll find a link to our site search on most pages, located in the the Support panel near the left side of the page. The site search will locate pages and PDF documents containing the word or phrase you've entered.
Downloads & Documentation. If you're looking for a file to download or for product help & documentation, we have pages for each with all available downloads and all product documentation conveniently located on a single page. Links to these pages are placed in the Support panel, located near the left side of most pages.
Getting Technical Support - DCS
If you need technical support for DCS systems, use our normal contact methods or email us on-line. We offer tech support for DCS on a per-incident or per-project basis.
Getting Technical Support - dcsTools Products
If you are unable to locate answers to your questions about a dcsTools product on this site, you can email us on-line with your question or use any of our normal contact methods.
How can I buy dcsTools products?
Purchase dcsTools products directly.
You can make your purchase on-line with a credit card using our BuyNow! buttons on each product page, using our store page or having us invoice you for your purchase.
Your on-line orders are processed using Fastspring, a well-regarded, secure e-commerce service firm based in Santa Barbara, CA.
For more information regarding on-line purchases, see our February 2014 news release.
Where are the free utilities?
We've made a few software utilities that you can download and use at no charge. We retain all rights to the software and it is covered by a simple license agreement (review).
Here are links to utilities that are currently available: