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XStudio PostMajik

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Can't Start the XStudio PostMajik Server

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When XStudio PostMajik is installed, the server portion is installed as a Windows service and configured to automatically start when the computer starts up. There may be times, however, when it is desirable to manually start or stop the server service. The easiest way to do so is to use the controls available on the PostMajik Client System Status page.


Control of the XStudio PostMajik server service is available on the PC running the server. If PostMajik Client is running on another PC, the service control panel is not available.

When attempting to start or stop the XStudio PostMajik server, you may get an error indicating a failure to start or stop and that the logged-on user may have insufficient privileges. If this happens, contact your system administrator for assistance in starting or stopping the XStudio PostMajik server.

A utility program, dcsTools Service Access Utility (crSetSvcAccess.exe), is installed with XStudio PostMajik and can be used to grant the needed privileges to a specific user or group.


In order to use the dcsTools Service Access Utility, the logged-on user must have administrative privileges. If you attempt to run the utility without these privileges, you will be prompted to provide credentials that will allow you to run the utility.