All of the audio playback and record controls in XStudio Voice Tracker are grouped together on a toolbar. In addition, each control has a keyboard shortcut key for those who prefer using the keyboard versus clicking on buttons. As a default, the audio transport toolbar is located adjacent to the audio playback and record timers, as shown here – however, you can re-locate them anywhere you wish on the main display - see the topic Working with Toolbars for more information.
Here’s an explanation of each of the audio transport buttons, along with their shortcut key (see the Keyboard Shortcuts topic for a full list of keyboard shortcuts).
Playback actions vary, depending on what audio item is selected and whether or not Auto-Track mode is enabled.
Auto-Track Enabled & Selected Log Item is a Voice-Track Cart. In this case, XStudio Voice Tracker "backs up" to the audio element immediately preceding the voice-track cart and plays the Outro. When the Aux Mark is encountered, the voice-track cart begins playing. When the voice-track cart’s Aux Mark is encountered, the next audio element on the log is started. XStudio Voice Tracker continues playing audio, segueing from one element to another, until you stop playback.
Auto-Track Enabled & Selected Log Item is NOT a Voice-Track Cart. The selected item begins playing. Playback continues, including segues to the next audio element, until you stop playback.
Auto-Track Disabled. With Auto-Track disabled, the selected item begins playing. No segue occurs when the Aux Mark is encountered. Playback stops when end-of-audio is reached for the selected cart.
Stop actions are always the same – the oldest playing audio item is stopped. If no audio items are playing, nothing happens. If more than one audio item is playing, pressing the [Stop] button repeatedly continues to stop the oldest playing item until there are no more items to stop.
The Record button is a toggle, meaning its action changes based on whether or not a voice-track is being recorded. If nothing is recording, pressing the button starts a recording – but only if a voice-track cart is selected on the log. If a voice-track cart recording is active, pressing the button stops the recording. See the topics Auto-Tracking and Manual Recording for step-by-step descriptions and instructions.
If an audio element is selected on the log, the first few seconds (the Intro) is played. Play length is determined by the Intro Play Length value set in Preferences. The Auto-Track state, enabled or disabled, has no effect on playback behavior.
If an audio element is selected on the log, the last few seconds (the Outro) is played. Play length is determined by the Outro Play Length value set in Preferences. If Auto-Track is enabled, the next element on the log is played when the Aux Mark is encountered; otherwise, playback stops when the cart reaches end-of-audio.
Outro play length is measured backwards from the Aux Mark, if the Aux Mark setting is non-zero. Otherwise, the Outro play length is measured backwards from the end of the audio file. |