Saving Report Settings
Once you have spent time customizing report settings, you can save them to a file and later restore those settings so you don’t have redo the customizations every time you wish to run the report formatted a certain way.
Not every single setting you change is necessarily stored to the settings file. Only those deemed as most common or important are saved. You should check restored settings by using the print preview window before actually printing. |
Saving and restoring report settings is accomplished from the main display. Select the menu item File | Report Settings | Save Report Settings to File to save and select File | Report Settings | Restore Report Settings from File to restore.
In both cases, a dialog is displayed, allowing you to choose the file name for storing or retrieving report settings. If you are saving settings and choose an existing file, the old settings will be replaced by the current settings with no further warning.
If you are using iDAF on an operating system prior to Windows 2000 and attempt to load a report settings file created with a version of iDAF running on a Windows 2000 or newer operating system, settings may fail to load because of incompatible report settings file formats. A message will appear indicating the failure and the report settings are reset to the default values. |
As a default, report settings files are stored in the iDAF application folder with an extension of ".RSF" (Report Settings File). You may save settings to other folders if desired.