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Log Directives

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Log Directives are a special key component of the broadcast log (schedule). Log Directives serve a number of purposes:

They provide specific instructions to XStudio regarding program execution. Examples include marking the commercial break that will play next in Satellite mode, causing an XStudio Action to execute at a specific log time, and causing XStudio to play audio at a specific time.

They serve as visual markers, separating logical groups of program content in addition to normal log items like program titles and log notes.

They are used in calculating content length for audio elements associated with the Log Directive.

They are used in calculating the hourly audio content totals.

There are several types of Log Directives, each with a specific purpose that relates to program execution. This topic outlines the types of Directives that can be used with XStudio.

XStudio processes Log Directives in different ways, depending on the mode of operation at the moment the directive is executed. In some cases, the directives are ignored. Review the description of each directive for details on how modes affect processing of the directive.

Some Log Directive types can also contain directive "keys" or "modifiers". These are special characters added to the directive description field, typically in the first character position, that affect the directive's meaning and behavior. For clarity, these items are referred to as a directive key.

Directive Types and Directive Keys

Log Directive types are not visible on the XStudio log display as a default. Directive keys, which are a part of the directive description, are visible as a default. See the topic on Customizing Log Column Visibility for details on how to make directive types visible on the log.

Log Directive Types and Keys

Log Directive Types and Keys

For information on creating and editing Log Directives within XStudio, see the topics on Editing a Log, Load Directive, Load Window, Execute Function and Play Cart Directive.

The table below includes base information on available Log Directive types and keys along with links to additional details on each. The characters contained in the Log column of the table indicate what is displayed on the XStudio log during operation. In the case of directive types, the information is displayed in the Dir Type column. Directive keys appear in the Description column.




Directive Types


Load Required


Load Required directives designate breaks that must be covered in Satellite mode operations. Satellite-delivered formats will often have at least a few times during the day or hour that must include locally inserted programming, typically commercial breaks.

Load Optional


Load Optional directives designate breaks that are optional in nature in Satellite mode operations. Satellite-delivered formats generally have a number times during an hour that can optionally be preempted by locally-inserted programming, typically commercial breaks. If the station chooses not to use the allotted break, the programming service "covers" the break with content.

Load Play


Load Play directives are used to start playing audio at a specific log time. They are valid only during Satellite mode operations. If XStudio is in another mode of operation at the time of the directive execution, immediate playback is ignored and the directive is handled like a Load Optional directive.

If you have previously used a DCS or Maestro system, note that you should not use a Load Play directive with the time-approximate or cast-off Directive Key in Satellite mode, as might have been done with these other systems. Instead, use standard directives in XStudio's Automation mode.

Load Window


The Load Window directive is used to update the XStudio Current Voice value. Assign the Relay Number value as 99.

Execute Function


Execute Function directives are used to initiate an XStudio Action at the specified log time.

Play Cart


Play Cart Directives are used to cause XStudio to play a specific audio item (cart) at the directive time. It is valid only in Satellite mode; in all other modes, the directive is treated as though it is a normal cart and played in sequence with other carts in a non-time-specific way.

Directive Keys - Except for Current Voice, keys must be placed as the first character of the Description!

Time Offset


The colon character. Log Directives are whole-minute based. Use the colon character to "offset" the directive execution time by a certain number of seconds ranging from 1 to 59. Valid in all modes.



The tilde character. Used in Satellite mode only to disable time-specific execution of the directive, making it sequence-oriented. This approach is used for special events programming like sports broadcasts, where breaks are not predictable time-wise. In modes other than Satellite mode, all load directive types (Load Required, Load Optional, Load Play) are treated as time-approximate (sequence-oriented) in XStudio and do not need a Time Approximate directive key.



The dollar sign character. Causes XStudio to "cast-off" or skip over unplayed audio items on the log, setting the Next-To-Play item as the first audio item (cart) following the directive. Also referred to as "Soft Sync". Valid in Satellite and Automation modes only, ignored in all other modes.

Current Voice


The dollar sign character, located at any position in the Description except the first character position. When used with the Load Window directive, the two characters following the dollar sign become the current voice value. Valid in all modes.

Hard Sync


The exclamation point character. Causes XStudio to stop all playing audio on the primary output channel (the one processing the log) and immediately begin playing the first audio element (cart) on the log following the directive. Valid in Automation mode only, ignored in all other modes.

Suspend Auto-Segue


The caret character. Causes XStudio to turn off the [Auto] button, disabling auto-segue of the log. Valid in Automation mode only, ignored in all other modes.

Resume Auto-Segue


The "at sign" character. Causes XStudio to turn on the [Auto] button, enabling auto-segue of the log. Valid in Automation mode only, ignored in all other modes.

Load Required Directive (LR)

The Load Required directive is used primarily in Satellite mode to indicate a commercial break that must be covered locally. The directive needs to be activated prior to the earliest expected signal from the program supplier to execute the break. As an example, if the program supplier's format calls for the break at 20 minutes past the hour and the break might float 5 minutes either way, the directive time should be no later than 14 minutes past the hour. It should be positioned no earlier than a minute past the preceding break's latest possible execution time. When XStudio gets the signal to play the break, it is evaluated to see if there is any content in the break. If so, XStudio does two things:

1.Starts playing the first audio item on the log following the directive. Playback of the item occurs regardless of where the XStudio Next-To-Play marker is on the log. In Satellite mode, the active directive, noted with text ActD=>, always controls what's next to be played when playback is initiated via an XStudio Action.

2.Advises the running Action of the total length of the break. The Action then waits the length of the break before performing the next Task in the Action list.

If there are no audio items (carts) on the log, XStudio passes a message to the running Action that there is nothing to play and the next Task in the Action list is executed immediately. The effect is that if in the Action you had updated an audio switcher to turn off the program service channel just prior to the play command and the task following the play command is to restore the program service channel to air, the two switcher updates (before and after the break) occur within milliseconds of one another, keeping the program service on the air.

In other modes of operation, the Load Required directive comes into play only if the directive contains a directive key and the key is valid for the current operating mode.

XStudio treats Load Required and Load Optional directives in exactly the same way.

If there are no audio items associated with the directive (meaning no carts between the directive and the next directive), XStudio will skip the break entirely in Satellite mode regardless of the directive type.

If there is at least one audio item associated with the directive, XStudio will play the break in Satellite mode. You must ensure that you have enough audio elements to "fill" the break - if the scheduled break length is 3 minutes, you must have 3 minutes of content scheduled on the log. There is no automatic backfill of audio to meet the required length.

Load Optional Directive (LS)

The Load Optional directive is used primarily in Satellite mode to indicate a commercial break that can optionally be used by the local station or, if there are no commercials, skipped and the program service kept on the air.

The behavior of XStudio in terms of handling this directive is the same as the Load Required directive handling.

Load Play Directive (LP)

The Load Play directive has special meaning in Satellite mode only. If XStudio is in Satellite mode when the directive is activated, the first audio item (cart) on the log following the directive begins playing immediately, followed by any other audio items on the log up to the next log directive.

If you have previously used a DCS or Maestro system, note that you should not use a Load Play directive with the time-approximate or cast-off Directive Key in Satellite mode, as might have been done with these other systems. Instead, use standard directives in XStudio's Automation mode.

In all other modes of operation, the Load Play directive is handled in the same way as the Load Optional directive.

Load Window Directive (LW)

The Load Window directive is used to set the Current Voice value in XStudio. This value is used in cart numbers using the cart macro "##".

To update the Current Voice value using this directive, you must enter text in the directive Description field somewhere after the first character. The "$" character is used to designate the location of the new voice value. For instance, to change the Current Voice value to "BJ", enter the following:

 Bill Jones $BJ

Notice that the new voice value is designated with a "$" character followed by the two-character value, which can be either numbers or letters.

You should not use other documented macro characters when setting the Current Voice value, as they will produce unpredictable and likely unwanted results. XStudio translates the two characters following the "$" symbol literally when updating the Current Voice property via the Load Window directive.

The Load Window directive is active in all modes of operation.

Execute Function Directive (CR)

The Execute Function directive is used to execute an XStudio Action at a specific log time. This directive is valid for Satellite and Automation modes only; it is ignored in all other modes.

Play Cart Directive (PC)

The Play Cart directive is used to play a specific audio item (cart) at the directive log time. It is valid only in Satellite mode; in all other modes, the directive is treated as though it is a normal cart record on the log and played in sequence with other carts in a non-time-specific way.

Time Offset Directive Key (:xx)

The Time Offset directive key is used to make a directive's execution (activation) time something other than an exact hour and minute. If you have a directive scheduled at 2:42 PM on the log and want it to be activated at 2:42:30 PM, enter the colon character in the first character of the directive Description field, followed by the two-digit value for the number of seconds to "offset" from the minute, i.e., enter :30 followed by whatever description you wish. The time offset value must be two digits following the colon or your results will be unpredictable.

Time Approximate Directive Key (~)

The Time Approximate directive key is intended for use in Satellite mode only, as a way of making load directive types (Load Required and Load Optional) sequence-oriented rather than time-driven. For more information on how to use time approximate directives in Satellite mode, see the topic Satellite Programming - Special Events.

Cast-Off Directive Key ($)

The Cast-Off directive key is used in XStudio to perform what is known as a "soft sync". When the directive is activated, it causes XStudio to "cast-off" or skip over unplayed audio items on the log, setting the Next-To-Play item as the first audio item (cart) following the directive. When the currently playing cart reaches EOM (Aux Mark), the audio item immediately following the directive is played. The effect is to synchronize log playback close to the directive time, a technique that keeps XStudio close to real time in terms of program execution.

When a directive containing the Cast-Off key is executed and the XStudio Next-To-Play item on the log is already beyond the log time of the directive, the Cast-Off key is ignored.

To create a Cast-Off key, enter a "$" (dollar sign) as the very first character of the directive's Description field.

The Cast-Off directive key is valid in Satellite and Automation modes only and is ignored in all other modes.

Current Voice Directive Key ($)

The Current Voice directive key is used in combination with the Load Window directive to set the current announcer voice value. See the Load Window directive description for details on using this key. The Current Voice directive key is valid in all modes of operation.

Hard Sync Directive Key (!)

The Hard Sync directive key is used to perform an immediate synchronization of XStudio audio playback to a specific log time. When a directive containing the Hard Sync key is activated, XStudio stops any audio playing on the primary playback channel (channel 1) immediately and begins playing the item on the log immediately following the directive. The effect is an abrupt stop of playing audio and an immediate start of the next audio item, achieving an immediate synchronization of audio playback with the log.

When a directive containing the Hard Sync key is executed and the XStudio Next-To-Play item on the log is already beyond the log time of the directive, the Hard Sync key is ignored.

To create a Hard Sync key, enter an "!" as the very first character of the directive's Description field.

The Hard Sync directive key is valid in Automation mode only and is ignored in all other modes.

Suspend Auto-Segue Directive Key (^)

The Suspend Auto-Segue directive key is used to disable auto-segue playback from the log. When a directive containing this key is activated, XStudio turns off (disables) the [Auto] button on the channel 1 transport. No other action is taken. The effect is that if XStudio is currently playing a cart, it will not automatically sequence to the Next-To-Play item on the log and play it when the cart reaches EOM (Aux Mark). The playing cart will finish and XStudio will be idle until either a user or an Action restarts audio playback.

To create a Suspend Auto-Segue key, enter a "^" (caret) as the very first character of the directive's Description field.

The Suspend Auto-Segue key is valid in Automation mode only and is ignored in all other modes.

Resume Auto-Segue Directive Key (@)

The Resume Auto-Segue directive key is used to re-enable auto-segue playback from the log. When a directive containing this key is activated, XStudio turns on (enables) the [Auto] button on the channel 1 transport. No other action is taken. The effect is that audio playback from the log will be auto-sequenced when a cart playing from the log reaches EOM (Aux Mark).

Resume Auto-Segue does not cause audio to start playing. If XStudio is not playing audio when the Resume Auto-Segue key is executed, no playback will occur until started by a user or by an Action. If audio is playing when the Resume Auto-Segue key is executed and the audio source is the log, the Next-To-Play item on the log will be played at EOM (Aux Mark) of the playing item.

To create a Resume Auto-Segue key, enter the "@" (at sign) character as the very first character in the directive's description field.

The Resume Auto-Segue key is valid in Automation mode only and is ignored in all other modes.