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XStudio 3

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XStudio Operating Modes

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XStudio features four (4) distinct modes of operation:

The "mode" that XStudio is operating under at a given moment affects its behavior relating to things like whether or not it will play through log directives, what will happen when the end of a log is reached and there is no subsequent log available, whether or not certain log directives will be executed, whether or not a Task will be executed and whether or not a Scheduled Event will execute, among other things.

The current XStudio Mode can be changed on-the-fly at any time. The end-user can manually change modes and the operating mode can be changed using a Set Mode automation Task which is executed as a part of an Action. You can also set the default mode of operation in Preferences, which is the mode XStudio will operate in when the program is started.

This topic provides an overview of each of the available modes of operation and highlights session properties and features that are either enabled or disabled for a mode.

Emergency Mode

The emergency mode of operation is intended for situations where XStudio is being used as an emergency fall back system. Often, an emergency log, containing generic undated program content, has been created and will be the only log used for this scenario. An emergency log might contain only a few hours of content, unlike standard daily logs, which will generally contain a full 24 hours worth of content.

When operating in Emergency Mode, XStudio works only with the currently loaded log, if any, and does not attempt to load the next day's log when the end of the current log is reached.

Affected Session Properties

When XStudio transitions to Emergency mode, log handling and audio playback options are affected as shown:


Change Description


The Auto-Segue state (enabled/disabled) is not changed. If you wish to ensure Auto-Segue of audio is enabled and setting Emergency mode is a part of an Action, you may wish to include a Set Auto-Segue Task in the Action.

Play Through Directives

Enabled. Regardless of the previous state of the Play Through Directives property, it is enabled.

Wrap Log Option

The Wrap Log Option state is not changed. However, the menu item to change the option is made available for user changes.

Log Directives

The Load Window directive is processed; all others are ignored, including any directive keys. XStudio does continue to track active and next directives.


Actions can be initiated with input relays, hot buttons or scheduled events only, as Log Directives are ignored. When an Action is processed, only Tasks that are valid for Emergency mode are processed. Tasks not valid in Emergency mode are skipped.

In addition, log selection tabs (Today/Tomorrow) are hidden as this mode of operation only uses the current log. Additional menu items for manually opening a log are made available.

Live Mode

Live mode places more responsibility on the user than other modes of operation. Essentially, XStudio won't automatically do much on your behalf, but rather depends on the operator to manually run the system.

Affected Session Properties

When XStudio transitions to Live mode, log handling and audio playback options are affected as shown:


Change Description


The Auto-Segue state (enabled/disabled) is not changed.

Play Through Directives

Enabled. Regardless of the previous state of the Play Through Directives property, it is enabled.

Wrap Log Option

The Wrap Log Option state is not changed. However, the menu item to change the option is made available for user changes.

Log Directives

The Load Window directive is processed; all others are ignored, including any directive keys. XStudio does continue to track active and next directives.


Actions can be initiated with input relays, hot buttons or scheduled events only, as Log Directives are ignored. When an Action is processed, only Tasks that are valid for Live mode are processed. Tasks not valid in Live mode are skipped.

In addition, log selection tabs (Today/Tomorrow) are restored to their last state, either hidden or shown. Additional menu items for controlling the visibility of the log selection tabs, enabling or disabling the Log Wrap Option and manually opening a log are made available.

Automation Mode

Automation mode is typically used when a station is delivering most of its on-air content from prerecorded carts using XStudio to play the carts. Usually, this means you are merging music log information from your music scheduling system and commercial content from your traffic system. In Automation mode, XStudio follows the merged log, playing all carts in sequence. Exceptions are missing and, if enabled, out-of-date audio.

Affected Session Properties

When XStudio transitions to Automation mode, log handling and audio playback options are affected as shown:


Change Description


The Auto-Segue state (enabled/disabled) is not changed.

Play Through Directives

Enabled. Regardless of the previous state of the Play Through Directives property, it is enabled.

Wrap Log Option

The Wrap Log Option state is not changed. However, in Automation mode XStudio will automatically wrap around to the beginning of the current log if the next-day log is unavailable when needed. The idea is that if XStudio is operating in Automation mode, it is unlikely that anyone would be around to correct the problem and it would be better to continue playback of audio than to finish the last item on the log and be idle.

Log Directives

Execute Function and Load Window directives are processed. Load Required, Load Optional and Load Play directives are processed for directive keys only.


All methods of initiating an Action are valid, including input relays, hot buttons, Log Directives and scheduled events. When an Action is processed, only Tasks that are valid for Automation mode are processed. Tasks not valid in Automation mode are skipped.

In addition, log selection tabs (Today/Tomorrow) are restored to their last state, either hidden or shown. Additional menu items for controlling the visibility of the log selection tabs and enabling or disabling the Log Wrap Option are made available.

Satellite Mode

Satellite mode is used when a majority of the on-air content is received via satellite or similar delivery method and the station's main responsibility is to play commercial breaks and coordinate when the satellite-delivered programming is "on-air". For instance, the program supplier feeds music that is placed on the air for a period of time, then sends a signal that it's time to insert a commercial break of some length. At this point, it becomes the job of XStudio to ensure that the satellite feed is taken off the air by controlling channels on an audio switcher and to start playing the appropriate commercials from the log. At the end of the local commercial break, XStudio restores the satellite feed to the air, again by controlling channels on an audio switcher.

Affected Session Properties

When XStudio transitions to Satellite mode, log handling and audio playback options are affected as shown:


Change Description


The Auto-Segue state (enabled/disabled) is not changed. If you wish to ensure Auto-Segue of audio is enabled and setting Satellite mode is a part of an Action, you may wish to include a Set Auto-Segue Task in the Action.

Play Through Directives

Disabled. Regardless of the previous state of the Play Through Directives property, it is disabled.

Wrap Log Option

The Wrap Log Option state is not changed. However, in Satellite mode XStudio will automatically wrap around to the beginning of the current log if the next-day log is unavailable when needed. The idea is that if XStudio is operating in Satellite mode, it is unlikely that anyone would be around to correct the problem and it would be better to continue to cover local breaks, etc, than to allow periods of dead air.

Log Directives

All Log Directives are processed. This includes any directive keys, as appropriate.


All methods of initiating an Action are valid, including input relays, hot buttons, Log Directives and scheduled events. When an Action is processed, only Tasks that are valid for Satellite mode are processed. Tasks not valid in Satellite mode are skipped.

In addition, log selection tabs (Today/Tomorrow) are restored to their last state, either hidden or shown.