Preferences - Stations Quick Links: General Cart Masks Music Data User Interface |
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The Stations tab in Preferences is where you define stations that will be voice-tracked. There is no set limit to the number of stations that can be defined. This topic provides summary information – for detailed instructions, refer to the step-by-step instructions topic.
Hint: Float your mouse over the screen shot – where the mouse cursor changes to a hand-like appearance, [Left-Click] for information on the item.
Each station that you define can have unique properties for the location of program log files, source and target audio files, distribution, voice track identification, and the music database for cross-referencing song titles and artists on the log.
For detailed instructions on filling out each field for a station, refer to the step-by-step instructions topic.
All fields, with the exceptions of the Voice Track Xfr Audio Path and Music Data File fields, are required. Here’s an overview of each field and its usage:
Station Name. The content of this field can be anything you wish – it is used for identification purposes within XStudio Voice Tracker only. The names you assign are displayed in the log selection dialog when choosing a station to voice-track. Choose a name that’s meaningful to you in identifying the station to a maximum of 30 characters.
Call Letters. The official call letters of the station. This entry, along with the station name, is used where lists of stations are displayed – for instance, when choosing a station to voice-track. Maximum length is 7 characters.
Station Number. This is a 2-character entry used to locate program logs for the defined station. The entry must be 2 characters in length. Typical entries are "S1", S2", "SA", etc. If you are unsure what to enter, consult with the traffic manager for the station to obtain the correct entry.
Voice Track Record Mask. This is a list of one or more cart masks used to identify which cart numbers on a program log are voice track carts. XStudio Voice Tracker will allow the recording of carts that match this mask (or masks) only.
It is important that this group of carts is properly identified, as only items on the log whose cart numbers match these settings can be recorded or modified. |
Typical mask values include "V???" (all carts that begin with a "V") and "V###" (all carts beginning with a "V" and containing a number in positions 2, 3, & 4). You may have as many masks as needed to correctly identify all items on a log that are voice track cart numbers. A pop-up panel is displayed for the creation and maintenance of the mask list. For more information on cart masks, see the Cart Masks Explained topic.
Cart numbers matching the masks you define for voice-tracks are both recorded to and played from the Target Voice Track Audio Path location. |
Use 64-Node Distribution. Check this item if the broadcast facility for which voice-track carts will be prepared uses more than 16 audio work stations. The default is unchecked – 16 nodes.
Distribution List. A pop-up panel allows you to select the work stations that will receive voice-track carts created for this station. A least one work station (node) must be selected.
The pop-up panel list of station (node) names can be edited for more meaningful names. [Double-Click] on a work station in the list to edit the description. |
Owner Node. This value is the zero-based number of the work station that is recognized as having created (i.e., the owner) the voice-track carts that are created for this station. The default value is zero. This property is useful mainly for broadcast facilities using DCS and/or Maestro systems that employ a distributed audio system instead of the more common centralized audio storage system (ACP). For XStudio users, the value is not important.
Voice-Track File Extension. This property is use to set the file extension for completed voice-track carts (audio files). The default value is .DAF. The .DFF value is used for direct insertion of voice-track carts into a DCS or Maestro ACP (Audio Central Plus) system.
Log Path. This property is the drive and folder location where program log files for the defined station are located. When the dialog to select a log for voice-tracking is displayed, XStudio Voice Tracker looks in this location for log files matching the Station Number (defined in the General section) and marks the log calendar on the dates for which there are program logs. When the field is entered, a button appears – it can be used to pop up a folder selection dialog.
Source Audio Path. This property defines the drive and folder location of non-voice-track audio files that are used for rehearsal (playback) purposes. Content would typically consist of music, jingles and commercials for the station. If voice-tracking within a broadcast facility that utilizes a central audio server, the server’s audio folder would be used. If XStudio Voice Tracker is being used off-site, the path would typically be on the local PC in a folder that contains copies of the music files supplied by the radio station – it could also be, for instance, an external USB drive.
The XStudio Voice Tracker audio engine runs as a service application and as such, has no knowledge of any "mapped" drives – a drive letter assigned to a folder on a PC other than the one the audio engine is running on. Therefore, in order for the audio engine to be able to play or record files that are located on another PC, the paths to those folders must be entered using UNC notations. As an example, instead of using "P:\Audio" as the path, use the UNC notation: \\Remote_PC_Name\Share_Name\Audio in the path property field. |
Target Voice Track Audio Path. This is the drive and folder location where completed voice-track carts (audio files) will be placed. This separate setting provides the flexibility to put voice-track carts in a location other than where source audio used for rehearsal purposes is located, which makes audio transfer management easier if voice-tracking at a remote location. This path may be the same as the source audio path if voice-tracking is being done with a station’s broadcast facility.
Voice Track Xfr Audio Path. Use of this property is optional. If you enter or select a path for this property, a copy of each newly-created voice-track cart (audio file) is placed in the specified folder. This folder location might be used as a gathering point for voice-track carts that are to be transferred to another location using a daemon or application that transfers files and deletes them after transfer.
Music Data File. The use of an imported music data file is optional. If one is used for the defined station, its fully-qualified file name is entered in this field. A button adjacent to the field can be used to display a file selection dialog. If this field is filled in, XStudio Voice Tracker will attempt to open the specified music data file when opening a log for the defined station. The information in the music data file is used to display song title and artist information on the log. For information on importing music database information for use with XStudio Voice Tracker, see the section on Importing Music Data.
If no music data file has been created (imported) for the station you are defining, you can leave it blank initially. After saving (posting) the station information, you can select the station from a drop-down menu on the Music Data tab. Since no music data file was defined for the station, XStudio Voice Tracker will prompt you, asking if you want to import a database file for the station. |